Moonlight Invasions cannot simply be explained, this performance can only be experienced live. In fact it proposes the idea of a “di erent/another” space, with a sense of gravity unlike that on Earth, a sense of a very remote a world, populated by imaginary beings venturing in unexplored places.

is is a performance evoking a universe of surreal imagines using body, costumes, tools, and a play of lights and shadows.

is e ect is created by dance combined with optical illusions supported by a light design project and video imagines.

Moonlight Invasions is an invite to ee from the real world and plunge into the magic of mystery. is is achieved thanks to its visual seduction, where invented fascinating cosmic objects leap and uctuate in a metaphysical moon sea.

During itinerant parade stilt acrobats and danceActors glide amongst the crowd, creating illuminated tableau vivant (living pictures). Stilts as a stage to catalyse attention. e mastery of the actors becomes a game, which interacts with adults and children, while dance becomes a magic ritual able to li the audience from the ground and take them into a dreamy dimension, with music and sound from the company repertoire.

Before or a er the parade (to be agreed depending on the type of event) the group splits and forms couples or individual characters depending on the technical structure of the costumes; these characters sneak and crawl in the various streets and/or locations/ venues in the festival area, outdoor and indoor locations/venues whenever possible. A real Invasion.